Introduction: Arabs and Jews—Only Separation
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Arabs and Jews—Only Separation 7

bintelligence, and his national pride, in contempt.

bThere is an ultimately insoluble contradiction between a bJewish state of Israel that is the fulfillment of the 2,000-year-old bJewish-Zionist dream and a state in which Arabs and Jews bpossess equal rights—including the right of the Arabs democrat- bically and peacefully to put an end to the Jewish state. Those bwho refuse to give the Arab that right but tell him he is equal bthink he is a fool. He is not.

bThe reality of the situation is, therefore, clear. The Jews band Arabs of the Land of Israel ultimately cannot coexist in a bJewish-Zionist state. A time bomb in the Holy Land ticks away brelentlessly.

bA Jewish state means Jewish orientation and ties. It means bJewish culture and a Jewish spirit in the Jewish body politic. But babove all, a Jewish state means Jewish sovereignty and control of bits destiny. That can be accomplished only by a permanent Jew- bish majority and a small, insignificant, and placid Arab minor- bity. But the Arabs believe that the Jews are thieves who stole btheir land. The Arabs feel no ties to or emotions for a state that bbreathes “Jewishness.” And they grow, quantitatively and qual- bitatively. They will surely make violent demands for more bpower, including “autonomy” in various parts of the land. Even- btually, the very majorityship of Jews will be threatened by the bArab birthrate. The result will be bloody conflict.

bIf we hope to avoid this terrible result, there is only one bpath for us to take: the immediate transfer of Arabs from Eretz bYisrael, the Land of Israel, to their own lands. For Arabs and bJews of Eretz Yisrael there is only one answer: separation, Jews bin their land, Arabs in theirs. Separation. Only separation.

bI know only too well what the reaction of the vast majority bof people will be to my words. Indeed, it is being completed even bas I sit in Ramle Prison. My real crime is my ideas concerning bthe awful danger that exists to the State of Israel because of the bvery presence of its large and growing number of Arab citizens. bMy real threat to the very confused and frightened government bis that my ideas are quietly shared by hundreds of thousands of bJews in Israel who, in anger and frustration, now move to sup- bport me and give me the power to make my ideas a force in the bland.

bMy ideas are not only suppressed by the government but b 

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Introduction: Arabs and Jews—Only Separation