Chapter 2: Coexisting with the “Palestinians”
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bsome Arabs passed by and saw me. They clenched their fists and bwaved them in my direction. I ran back to my hiding place, bwaiting to be rescued. . . .”

bMeanwhile, the mob has moved on to new “adventures,” bthe home of Moshe Goldschmidt, a Habad Hasid, thirty-one, bfrom Yaktrinoslav, Russia. Some fifteen people are hiding in his bhouse, and as the doors are broken down, they escape by jump- bing down into the adjoining yard. Moshe Goldschmidt, how- bever, apparently counting on being able to appeal to the pity and bmercy of the Arabs, remains behind. He falls to his knees and bpleads with the Arabs, who only laugh at him and humiliate him bbefore killing him in a brutal and indescribable manner.

bIn the Grodzinski home there are only three people. Moshe bGrodzinski, fifty-four, of Warsaw, is the director of the yeshiva. bHe is killed with the first charge of the Arabs. Shragai Feivel bMitevsky, twenty-five, a yeshiva student from Lawdowa, Po- bland, is brutally wounded and dies a few days later in Jerusalem. bThe house is looted and wrecked. On to the worst of the horrors.

bThe mob is drunk on murder and brutality. Its cruelty is bfed by atrocity. The scholar Reb Bezalel Smarik, from Zhitel in bLithuania, is seventy-three. The Arabs drag him outside and kill bhim obscenely on the doorstep of his home. Inside they murder bthree North American yeshiva students: Binyamin Halevi Horo- bwitz, twenty, of New York; Tzvi Halevi Freuman, twenty-one, bfrom Canada; and twenty-two-year-old Memphis-born David bScheinberg.

bThey now burst into the adjoining home of Shlomo Unger. bThe twenty-six-year-old Unger is a huge man, a mechanic, from bZgug, Poland. He looked like a Gentile and the mob pauses. bOne shouts at him: “Are you a Christian?” He can say yes and bsave his life. He looks with contempt at the mob of Arabs and bsays, “I am a Jew!” They leap on him with fury, his courage bmaddening them. They attack his wife; she loses her mind and bdies a few days later. They leave two orphans, one two years old band the other two months. . . .

bMore, more! The baker Noah Imerman, from Slutzk and bSlobodka, is killed as the Arabs thrust his head into the oven. bNahman Segal, thirty, of Skola, Poland, watches in horror as his bArab landlord opens the doors for the mob. He is holding his bthree-year-old child, Menachem. An Arab ax cuts through his b 

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Chapter 2: Coexisting with the “Palestinians”