Chapter 3: Of Declarations and Independence
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Of Declarations and Independence 57

bconsider the second paper, issued by the government of Israel to bexplain Zionism and Israel. It is an excerpt of remarks by bChaim Herzog, former Israeli ambassador to the United Na- btions. After describing Zionism as the Jewish demand for “re- bvived freedom and nationhood in its ancient homeland” and the bLand of Israel as “the center of its national existence,” Herzog bstated that “Arabs are free and equal citizens in our state.”

bFree and equal in a state that is irrevocably Jewish? Does b“free” mean free to work toward an Arab majority in Israel? bDoes “free” mean free to have many, many babies who in due btime will be free to vote an Arab majority into the Knesset? Does b“equal” mean equal rights for an Arab Knesset majority that bcould vote to change the name of the state to “Palestine” and babolish the Law of Return that today gives Jews and not Arabs bautomatic entry and citizenship? In a word, are the Arabs of the bJewish state for which Mr. Herzog’s ancestors yearned for 2,000 byears free and equal to go quietly, calmly, peacefully, democrat- bically, to the polls and, by majority rule, vote an end to Zionism band that Jewish state?

bAnd when yet another Israeli luminary, Michael Comay, bformer ambassador to Canada, writes to the Jerusalem Post (June b11, 1976), “I want an Israel which will remain both Jewish and bdemocratic,” what does he say to the equal Arab citizen of this bJewish democracy [sic] who asks him: If I have enough babies, bdo I have the right to want a Palestine that is both Arab and bdemocratic . . .?

bI do not feel sorry for the Arabs of Eretz Yisrael, no matter bhow much they feel that the land is theirs. I do not feel for them bbecause I know that the land is not theirs, that it is Jewish. It is bthe one and only land that we have, whereas the Arab of Eretz bYisrael can find a home in any one of more than the twenty blands of his 100 million fellow Arabs. I feel no pain for one who brobbed me of my land, no matter how loud his false claim to it. bBut as I feel neither pain nor guilt, I can understand this Arab band know the stupidity of the deception practiced on him. It is ba deception that does not deceive; for the Arab of Eretz Yisrael bmay be a robber and murderer of Jews, but he is not a fool.

bIndeed, when the “moderate” and the “dovish” Jewish bleaders of Israel, those who gladden liberal hearts by calling for bthe return of the “occupied territories,” do so because of “the b 

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Chapter 3: Of Declarations and Independence